The Third Curse, Pestilence

Joseph F. Dumond

Isa 6:9-12 And He said, Go, and tell this people, You hear indeed, but do not understand; and seeing you see, but do not know. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn back, and be healed. Then I said, Lord, how long? And He answered, Until the cities are wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land laid waste, a desolation, and until Jehovah has moved men far away, and the desolation in the midst of the land is great.
Published: May 23, 2008

Sighted Moon News Letter 5844-008
18th day of the Second month 5844 Years After Creation
28th day of the Days of Unleavened Bread

May 24, 2008


Shabbat Shalom Brethren,

For the benefit of the many who are receiving this News letter for the first time, I would like to recap briefly some of the subjects we have already covered. This winter we showed you exactly who is Israel and who is the beast. We also showed you that the beast is Germany and in the end will join powers with the Arab world.

This News Letter and the web site, are dedicated to showing you, the reader as much as I can about the Jubilee and Sabbatical years and when they occur. But not just when they occur, I am also showing you what they portray in biblical prophecy.

Just like the Sabbath and the Holy Days show us the plan of Yahweh, the Sabbatical and Jubilee years show us a chronological order that those Holy Days and the prophecies are to occur in.

Most of the so called Christian world focus’s on the blessing they can get for this or that promise of Yahweh. Instead of doing this, I am showing you how Yahweh has promised to curse those who do not obey Him. It is when we look at the nightly news from this perspective, that we can clearly see the prophecies being fulfilled right before our eyes. And as you will soon see it is going to be very terrifying.

I encourage those of you who are new to this News Letter to go back and review some of the past issues. They are all free, and I am only sharing a warning that is already being implemented upon our peoples. For the sake of your family and your children, I ask you to read and consider those things I am sharing with you. Prove all things. Prove what I am showing you wrong if you can. If you can not, then you have some decisions to make.

As you begin to understand the things shown to you here, an obligation falls on you to share this information with others. Your Family, friends and brethren and those who also attend other congregations. Like the watchman on the wall, a duty to let others know is now your responsibility. Please let others know.

We have now covered the first two curses of Lev 26. Terror and Drought. Each curse does not run alone. Each one is added to the previous curse and they both continue to take their toll as long as Israel, the USA and the UK and the State of Israel, refuse to repent and turn back to Yahweh.

When my daughter was little we had to implement a rule because she would not stop having temper tantrums. We told her she had used up her warning, then we told her the rules that would now apply.

Next time she did this we would spank her on the bum one time. If she did it again after that we spank her on the bum and on each hand for a total of three times.

If she did it again we would spank her 5 times and if she did it again after that it would be ten times.

Well it was not to long before she had a temper tantrum and we spanked her the one time and warned her about the next time. Later that week she did it again and we spanked her three times in spite her many pleads that she would not do it again if did not spank her.

The next day she had another temper tantrum. So we got out the wooden spoon and spanked her five times.

It was not two days later she did it again. I got to six and could not go further. I was crying. It hurt me to enforce the punishment. This was the last time she ever had a temper tantrum.

It is the same way with Yahweh. He warns us in His word. When we do not obey he sends Terror as His first punishment. If we still do not obey then Yahweh adds to the terror, Drought. Then if we still will not obey Him, He send another curse and adds it to the first two.

In Lev 26:21 “Then, if you walk contrary to Me, and are not willing to obey Me, I will bring on you seven times more plagues, according to your sins. 22 I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, destroy your livestock, and make you few in number; and your highways shall be desolate.”

As we saw in last weeks News Letter 5844-007 there were many places where Yahweh would send three plagues. Famine and Pestilence and the sword. He would say all three as though they were packaged in a group.

When I was first looking at this scripture in Lev 26:21 I thought it was going to be actual animals attacking us and eating us where ever we go. But it did not fit all the scriptures that I was reading, which talked about this.

Then I realized that the wild animals Yahweh would send would be carried by other animals. The same way the 185,000 Assyrians were killed who fought against Hezekiah at Jerusalem. These soldiers were not attacked by the mice infestation, but they were killed by what the mice carried on them. Infected fleas and ticks.

This word rob as in “shall rob you” is used just this one time in all the bible. It is Strong’s #7921 The word is Shakol and means to suffer an abortion, miscarriage, to make childless, lose children, destroy, miscarry, spoil, rob of children.

The other word in this scripture I want to bring to your attention is the word Desolate. It is Strong’s #8074 Shawmem and means appalled, awestruck, stunned, horrified, devastated, ravaged, astounded.

When this next curse takes place, you will be so astounded, so horrified at the devastation, that you will be appalled and stunned at the number of deaths and at who is dying.

This curse of Pestilence is added to the previous two.

Terror began in 1996. The first year in this last Jubilee cycle. Terror was the head line news during this time. Seven years later, in the spring of 2003 at Aviv is the beginning of the next count of seven years. 2002-2003 was the Sabbath year.

From 2003 on to the end is the second curse of Drought. This has been the head line news during these years. The sever weather. Hurricanes and cyclones. Tornadoes, all of which we discussed last week. This curse also goes to the end. As each year passes by the droughts effect on our planet will be measured by the increasing famine that is already taking hold of the earth in 2008.

These famines will then in turn be a cause or lead into the third curse, which is this weeks subject. Pestilence.

It will begin after 2010, and will run until the end along side with Drought and Terror.

In 2010 we have a Lunar eclipse. This is generally thought of as a bad omen.

  1. Jub 1996 1 Terror
  2. 1997 2 Terror
  3. 1998 3 Terror
  4. 1999 4 Terror
  5. 2000 5 Terror
  6. 2001 6 Terror
  7. Sab 2002 7 1st Terror
  8. 2003 1 Drought
  9. 2004 2 Drought
  10. 2005 3 Drought
  11. 2006 4 Drought
  12. 2007 5 Drought
  13. 2008 6 Drought
  14. Sab 2009 7 2nd Drought
  15. 2010 1 Pestilence
  16. 2011 2 Pestilence
  17. 2012 3 Pestilence
  18. 2013 4 Pestilence
  19. 2014 5 Pestilence
  20. 2015 6 Pestilence
  21. Sab 2016 7 3rd Pestilence

When I was working on the Jubilee message I did a little experiment and I took the years that I believed were those years when a Pestilence would occur, such as 2010-2024. I said that it went until 2024 as it is also part of the next curse. It is also part of the last curse but I did not include those years here.

Because each curse is not a one year event, I said that it would last for 14 years because Pestilence is repeated in the 4th curse of Lev 26.

I found that as I went back in history almost all Pestilence outbreaks, such as the plague, cholera, typhus and other epidemics landed in this 14 year window. Not all, but the majority. I am referring to when I used what I called the Israelite countries, the USA and the UK and her dominion.

Going back in time by 49 year cycles we get the following chart

  • 2010-2024 ???? Lev 26:22
  • 1961-1975 – The 1960’s Cholera called El Tor
  • 1912-1926 – 1899-1923 Cholera and 1918-1920 Avian Flu
  • 1863-1877 -1863-1875 Cholera
  • 1814-1828 – 1816-1826 1829-1851 Cholera
  • 1765-1779 – 1775-1776 Influenza
  • 1716-1730 – 1732-1733 Influenza

During this 14 year period of time in each of these Jubilee cycles when the third curse of Pestilence was to be applied I found that epidemics did occur during this time period.

This does not preclude it from happening during other times. But during this time frame it did take place.

Once I saw this, I decided to take a look at those countries I consider to be of Israelite descent. The following chart shows you those plagues that occurred during this same time period during each Jubilee cycle.

Those with the * indicate that they did not fall with in our guide lines. All the rest did.

  • 1832 Cholera; England and Paris
  • 1816-1819 Typhus; Ireland
  • 1720-1722 Great Plague; France
  • *1710-1711 Plague; Sweden
  • 1668 Plague; France
  • 1665 Plague; England
  • 1663-1664 Plague; Holland
  • 1636 Plague; England
  • *1603 Plague; England
  • 1574 Plague; Scotland
  • *1563-1564 Plague; England
  • *1509-1510 Plague; England
  • *1498 Plague; England
  • *1494-1495 Plague; England
  • 1485 Sweating; England
  • 1428 Plague; England

In all of these plagues millions died.

When I then checked the disease out breaks in the USA history, I found that out of the 52 epidemics since the founding of the USA, more than half of them fell in this time period.

In the 1918 Flu epidemic, my Great Grand Parents lost a son. He was just 18. They had 11 children yet they mourned over this one son for a long time. It does not matter how many children you have, to loose just one is horrendous. And yet this third curse says that you will be robbed of your children.


You will notice that the 1918 Flu epidemic just so happens to fall in time period for pestilence in the 3rd sabbatical cycle during a Jubilee cycle. Look at chart above. In this epidemic 20-40 million people died around the world. And it started when the disease jumped from birds to humans. This is the very same scenario that the World Health Organization is on the watch for right now. They call it the bird flu.

Could this same thing happen starting after 2010? We in North America have become complacent. We do not fear the diseases the rest of the world has to deal with.

In 2003 SARS hit Toronto and other cities around the world. Tourism to Toronto stopped during this time. Although it was not a total outbreak, it was very easy to see just how the last part of this curse could come to pass. That our streets will be desolate. No one will go out during this time. All travel will stop.

Most of the people that died from SARS were front line Nurses. My wife is a Nurse. Just imagine what it would be like if we lost all the hospital staff. Who then, will people go to for help.

I have just posted this week two articles about a number of children in China that died, titled, More Chinese children die from hand, foot and mouth disease, other countries hit. You can read it at

In the DVD presentation I spend quite a bit of time on this next chart. It shows you all the recession years from 1910 to date. It also shows the amount of money the banks have borrowed from the Federal Reserve in order to stay solvent. Study this chart closely. It is a very terrifying chart if you think about what is going on and about the nightly news for this past winter of 2008.

Notice that 2009-2010 is a Sabbatical year.
So are the following years.
1946-1947 Take Special notice at this time. This is a 49th year Sabbatical. 1947-1948 was the Jubilee year and in 1948, 60 years ago, this very year, Israel was founded.

Notice how many of the recessionary years on the chart are very close or match the Sabbatical years.

Also notice how much money was lent to the banks during the great depression. Then notice how much money was lent during the savings and loan fiasco in the early 1980’s. Now notice how much was lent as of Jan 1 2008. Then realize the number of large financial institutes that were in great trouble this year in 2008.
You can read many articles on this in the forum area at this link: Sightedmoon Archives

While looking at this chart I ask people to consider what else has been in the news lately. Ben Bernacke has been lowering interest rates in order to keep the economy going. To prevent a recession in an election year. As far as I know there has never been a recession in an election year in the history of the USA. The next President takes office Jan 1 2009.

But while Bernacke has lowered interest rates, the price of oil has gone through the roof. Oil is used for every thing under the sun. If oil is going up in price so are all of our other supplies. If they are going up in price then inflation is going up and the way to fight inflation is to raise interest rates, yet, Bernacke is lowering them.

When he does this the US dollar falls in value compared to other currencies. It is the other countries that buy the US dollar in the form of Gov. Bonds, or US debt. Each city and county and state sells these bonds in order to finance the services and maintenance projects it does. But if no one buys the US dept in the form of bonds how will these government agencies pay for things like the maintenance of sewage treatment and water treatment plants. If our Governments do not pay their bills or pay their employees, who will work in these treatment plants?

If the sewage is not treated then downstream the next town is going to get bad water. If the water is not treated then people will die as they did here in Walkerton Ontario just a few years ago.

If the garbage is not picked up then mice and rats will flourish. If people are put out of their homes because of mortgage foreclosures, where will they live?

If people are living under bridges and in the fields then the mice and rats can walk up and snuggle up to them or bite them.

Are you aware that Typhus is transmitted by bites from lice, fleas, mites or ticks, which are carried by rodents? Are you aware that the plague is also carried by these same ticks and fleas, which then bite you and give you the disease.

Also known as the black death.

This past week I have been working out of town, and sleeping in a hotel. It was an up scale hotel and we have stayed there before. This time though, I was bitten all over my arms and sides by fleas. I looked like I had the measles. And they are very itchy. But once you get the fleas on you, it is hard to get rid of them. I have had a rough week. Not fun.

Cholera is spread by water or food contaminated by feces of others previously infected. It is characterized by sever diarrhea, vomiting and muscle cramps.

In 2007 I was in Israel and went to the Springs of Engede. While swimming in the water I may have licked my lips. I did not drink the water. I just licked my lips. Three days later I was severely sick and could not leave the toilet for more than a few minutes at a time. I thought I was going to die. Up steam from this spring of Engede is a an animal reserve. Who knew?

It was at this time that I understood what Jeremiah was saying in JER 30:4 And these are the words that the LORD spoke concerning Israel and concerning Judah. 6 Ask you now, and see whether a man does travail with child? Why then do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness?

It will be because they are sick and throwing up or will have severe runs due to Cholera, which is caused by bad drinking water.

The World Health Organization Has said that the next flu epidemic will be caused when it jumps over from birds to people. They go on to say that 7.4 million people will die in just 3 months.

ISA 28:18 … when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
ISA 28:19 From the time that it goes forth it shall take you:
for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.

As you come to understand these things I am showing you which come right out of your own bible, Isaiah is saying that his report will make you sick just to know and understand it.

It all starts so simply, a little sniffle by your child, a cough by your wife or someone walking by you in the hall way, then the next thing you know you are sick.

Brethren, it is because of this next curse that I am motivated to speak up and let all that I love know what is coming. This is why I have shared with as many of you as will listen, all that I have learned on this.

Will you do the same? Will you tell your family, and friends, and even those who do not yet understand this way of living, by keeping the Torah, and obeying Yahweh? Will you tell them.

If the watchman sees the sword and does not speak out, they will die and their blood will be on you. You now have that responsibility to share this message with other. Even those who do not believe.

Joseph F Dumond

To write send e-mails to

To read all past News Letters go to: Sightedmoon Archives


British Prime Minister Gordon Brown warned of the spreading food crisis,

May 13.

(Getty Images)
Britain: Food Shortages a Reality
May 14, 2008 | From The global food crisis is beginning to spread from the Third World into the First World.
The world’s first major food crisis since World War ii is spreading from the Third World to the First World.
The food crisis poses as big a threat to world prosperity as the global credit crunch, warns Gordon Brown. The British prime minister issued this warning Tuesday during a meeting in London with Josette Sheeran, executive director of the World Food Program.

Sheeran said, “What we are seeing now is affecting more people on every continent, destroying even more livelihoods, and the nutrition losses will hurt children for a lifetime.”

As the Observer noted on May 11:

For the past half-century, Britain has been lulled into the belief that a plentiful supply of food is here to stay. Supermarkets give us a season-defying availability of agricultural products, sourced from all over the planet, 365 days a year. We gorge ourselves on Peruvian asparagus, Israeli potatoes, Chilean apples and New Zealand lamb, blissfully unaware this might not go on forever.

The truth is that Britain (and America for that matter) produces far less food than it consumes because it is cheaper to import food from cheap-labor countries like Thailand or Brazil. In 1994, Britain produced 75 percent of its food domestically, and now produces only 60 percent of what it eats. As food exporter nations stop exporting, Britain’s source of food is diminishing.

In just one year, food prices across Britain have skyrocketed: Durum wheat has increased over 250 percent, milk has gone up 20 percent, butter by 60 percent, eggs 43 percent and beef mince has increased 17 percent. And these rising prices are only making the British more reliant on foreign imports as British farmers find it even harder to compete with their low-paid foreign counterparts. •

New Disease Threatens Global Wheat Supplies

May 8, 2008 | From One fungus could bring famine for years to come.

Already, people are starving. Some analysts anticipate a global food crisis. But the food supply could get even leaner if a new wheat fungus lives up to its potential.

The fungus, Ug99, first discovered in Uganda in 1999, is known as African rust and is highly lethal for wheat crops. Unlike many other crop diseases that merely reduce crop yields, Ug99 can cause total crop loss.

It took Ug99 a long to time spread beyond Uganda. This year, though, Kenya and Ethiopia have reported epidemic levels of fungal infection. The disease was also recently discovered in Yemen, and now Iran. Fungus spores are spread by wind, so preventing its spread is difficult. The United Nations fears that the upcoming monsoon season could spread the fungus all the way to Southern Asia, Pakistan and India.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 65 million hectares of wheat, about a quarter of global production, is at risk.

And African rust could spread even further. Nearly two thirds of North American wheat strains would be vulnerable to the disease if it were to somehow cross the Atlantic.

Twenty percent of global calorie intake comes from wheat. Crop loss on such a major scale would lead to enormous famine. Food reserves are already at the lowest level on record, and there are global shortages of other staple foods, such as rice.

Should a wheat famine strike, bread would shoot up in price, and in some cases be unavailable. Recent rises in rice prices do not affect many Westerners nearly as much as a rise in wheat prices would, since bread is a key part of the Western diet.

Still, the developed world would not be hit anywhere near as badly as poorer nations. Nearly 50 percent of wheat production takes place in these countries. They lack the resources to fight off the fungus in the short term, or to develop resistant strains of wheat in the longer term. African rust could cause a disaster that would take years to recover from.