Waters turn to Blood In Texas & Double Dip Recession or Depression & Yehovah says Do not Pray for them!

News Letter 5847-021 5th day of the 5th month 5847 years after the creation of Adam The 5th Month in the Second year of the third Sabbatical Cycle The Third Sabbatical Cycle of the 119th Jubilee Cycle The Sabbatical Cycle of Earthquakes Famines, and Pestilences....

Judah has made Ephraim more righteous by all her abominations. Follow Judah’s way if you dare!!!!

News Letter 5847-020 28th day of the 4th month 5847 years after the creation of Adam The 4th Month in the Second year of the third Sabbatical Cycle The Third Sabbatical Cycle of the 119th Jubilee Cycle The Sabbatical Cycle of Earthquakes Famines, and Pestilences. July...

The 4th Commandment is Testing You. Are you Passing or Failing? Are you Sure?

News Letter 5847-014 15th day of the 3rd month 5847 years after the creation of Adam The 3rd Month in the Second year of the third Sabbatical Cycle The Third Sabbatical Cycle of the 119th Jubilee Cycle The Sabbatical Cycle of Earthquakes Famines, and Pestilences. June...