The Meaning of the Eighth Day Feast  (Pt. 3 – Hell)

The Meaning of the Eighth Day Feast (Pt. 2 – “That I may Dwell with them”)

News Letter 5850-034 21tst day of the 8th month 5850 years after the creation of Adam The 8th Month in the Fifth year of the Third Sabbatical Cycle The Third Sabbatical Cycle of the 119th Jubilee Cycle The Sabbatical Cycle of Earthquakes, Famines and Pestilence...

The Meaning of the Eighth Day Feast (Pt. 1 – “Wisdom & Righteousness”)

News Letter 5850-033 14th day of the 8th month 5850 years after the creation of Adam The 8th Month in the Fifth year of the Third Sabbatical Cycle The Third Sabbatical Cycle of the 119th Jubilee Cycle The Sabbatical Cycle of Earthquakes, Famines and Pestilence...